

毕业院校:英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)





       高一星,吉林大学人工智能学院副教授(研究员)、博士生导师,吉林省高层次人才,人形机器人与视觉实验室负责人,入选第十届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”。十五岁考入西安交通大学少年班,本硕连读,博士毕业于英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London),师从Yiannis Demiris教授(英国皇家工程院Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies)。曾在英国帝国理工学院从事博士后研究,在英国伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)计算机学院担任讲师。长期从事具身智能、人形机器人、计算机视觉、人机交互和人工智能等方面的研究,作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目和中英国际合作交流项目。近年来在机器人、计算机视觉和人工智能领域国际顶级会议与期刊(ICRA,IROS,CVPRICCV,AAAI,IJCAI等)发表高水平学术论文20余篇,担任由IEEE Singapore Section和IEEE RAS Singapore Chapter主办的IEEE CIS-RAM 2024国际会议Publicity Chair作为唯一华人女性入选IEEE ICRA 2024 New Generation Star Project(全球26人),研究成果在2024年世界机器人大会人机融合:共创具身智能机器人新时代青年精英论坛进行特邀分享。


2024.01 —— 至今          吉林大学人工智能学院   副教授(研究员)

2021.05 —— 2023.12    吉林大学人工智能学院   助理教授(副研究员)

2020.09 —— 2021.09    英国伯明翰大学计算机学院   讲师

2017.07 —— 2017.12    英国帝国理工学院   博士后


2012.09 —— 2017.01   英国帝国理工学院  博士

2011.09 —— 2012.07   西安交通大学  本硕连读

2007.09 —— 2011.07   西安交通大学  学士

2005.09 —— 2007.07   西安交通大学  少年班


  1. 2023.01 - 2025.12  视觉协同感知的机器人抓传目标位置优化方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,在研,主持

  2. 2025.01 - 2026.12  面向视觉受限场景的多模态机器人柔性物体抓取研究,国家自然科学基金中英国际合作交流项目,在研,主持

  3. 2024.01 - 2027.12  内嵌领域知识的多无人机博弈强化学习方法研究,国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(“叶企孙”科学基金),在研,参与



* 通讯作者

[1] Tze Ho Elden Tse, Runyang Feng, Linfang Zheng, Jiho Park, Yixing Gao*, Jihie Kim, Ales Leonardis, Hyung Jin Chang, “Collaborative Learning for 3D Hand-Object Reconstruction and Compositional Action Recognition from Egocentric RGB Videos Using Superquadrics”, In Proceedings of the 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2025. (人工智能领域顶级国际会议, CCF-A类会议,PLA Best Paper Award of University of Birmingham )

[2] Yunbing Jia, Xiaoyu Kong, Fan Tang, Yixing Gao*, Weiming Dong, Yi Yang,Revealing the Two Sides of Data Augmentation: An Asymmetric Distillation-based Win-Win Solution for Open-Set Recognition, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2024. (人工智能领域顶级国际会议,CCF-A类会议)

[3] Chengqi Dong, Zhiyuan Cao, Tuoshi Qi, Kexin Wu, Yixing Gao*, Fan Tang,RowColumn Separated Attention Based Low-Light Image/Video Enhancement, Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), 2024. (多媒体与图形学领域知名期刊,CCF-B类期刊)

[4] Xubo Luo, Xue Wan, Yixing Gao, Yaolin Tian, Wei Zhang, Leizheng Shu,JointLoc: A Real-time Visual Localization Framework for Planetary UAVs Based on Joint Relative and Absolute Pose Estimation, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024. (机器人领域顶级国际会议,自动化学会A类会议)

[5] Yixiang Shan, Jielong Yang, Yixing Gao,GL-GNN: Graph learning via the network of graphs, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2024. (中科院1)

[6] Runyang Feng, Yixing Gao*, Xueqing Ma, Tze Ho Elden Tse, Hyung Jin Chang,Mutual Information-Based Temporal Difference Learning for Human Pose Estimation in Video, IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023. (计算机视觉领域顶级国际会议,CCF-A类会议)

[7] Runyang Feng, Yixing Gao*, Tze Ho Elden Tse, Xueqing Ma, Hyung Jin Chang,DiffPose: SpatioTemporal Diffusion Model for Video-Based Human Pose Estimation, IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023. (计算机视觉领域顶级国际会议,CCF-A类会议)

[8] Xingyu Zhu, Xin Wang, Jonathan Freer, Hyung Jin Chang, Yixing Gao*, Clothes Grasping and Unfolding Based on RGB-D Semantic Segmentation, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023. (机器人领域顶级国际会议,清华推荐A类会议)

[9]Bai Zhang, Yixing Gao*, Feng Ji, Linbo Xie, Xiaofeng Cao, Yixiang Shan, Jielong Yang*, Towards fidelity of graph data augmentation via equivariance, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023. (中科院1)

[10] Xueqing Ma, Xiaochi Wei, Yixing Gao*, Runyang Feng, Dawei Yin, Yi Chang*, Knowing before Seeing: Incorporating Post-Retrieval Information into Pre-Retrieval Query Intention Classification, International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM), 2023. (CCF-C类会议)

[11] Zhenguang Liu, Runyang Feng, Haoming Chen, Shuang Wu, Yixing Gao, Yunjun Gao, Xiang Wang, Temporal Feature Alignment and Mutual Information Maximization for Video-Based Human Pose Estimation, IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022, oral presentation. (计算机视觉领域顶级国际会议,CCF-A类会议)

[12] Shimin Ou, Yixing Gao*, Zebin Zhang, Chenjian Shi, Polyp-YOLOv5-Tiny: A Lightweight Model for Real-Time Polyp Detection, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (ICIBA), 2021.

[13] Yixing Gao, Hyung Jin Chang, Yiannis Demiris, Iterative Path Optimisation for Personalised Dressing Assistance using Vision and Force Information, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016. (机器人领域顶级国际会议,自动化学会A类会议)

[14] Yixing Gao, Hyung Jin Chang, Yiannis Demiris, User Modelling for Personalised Dressing Assistance by Humanoid Robots, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 1840-1845, 2015. (机器人领域顶级国际会议,自动化学会A类会议)

[15] Changjun Liu, Yingni Zhai, Lichen Shi, Yixing Gao, Junhu Wei, Group Area Search: A Novel Nature-inspired Optimization Algorithm, IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), 2013.

[16] Changjun Liu, Junhu Wei, Yan Qiao, Yixing Gao, Guoji Sun, An Adaptive Stochastic Search Algorithm, IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL), 2011.


1. 2024年入选IEEE ICRA 2024 New Generation Star Project (全球26人,唯一入选华人女性)

2. 2024年荣获吉林大学本科课堂教学质量优秀奖

3. 2023年荣获国家级大学生创新训练项目指导教师

4. 2022年荣获吉林大学本科招生宣传工作优秀个人


担任国际机器人领域、计算机视觉领域与人工智能领域旗舰期刊与会议的审稿人,包括:International Journal of Robotics Research,CVPR2025,ICRA 2025,IJCAI 2024,ICRA 2024,IROS 2024,ICCV 2023,AAAI 2023,ICRA 2023,IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,Robotics and Autonomous Systems,Autonomous Robots,IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems等。

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